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Evaluating Your Life in Light of the Lordship of Christ


Over one billion people today—almost one-fourth of the world’s population—call
themselves Christians. In the first century, too, multitudes flocked to Jesus They came for
various reasons and with various expectations: to satisfy curiosity, to be healed, to sit at the
feet of this eloquent and controversial rabbi or simply to go along with the crowd.

Christ control of one uncommitted area




What about Jesus initially attracted you to Him?



Picture yourself sitting at Jesus’ feet and learning from Him. What would it be like? Journal or pray in response to our Saviour who invites us to come near.


At certain times during His ministry Jesus challenged His would-be disciples with strong and sobering words bout the cost of truly following Him as Lord. As those who claim Jesus as our Lord, we too need to carefully weigh these words. _Read Luke 14:25-35_.


1. In verses 25-27 what does Jesus demand of those who would truly be His disciples?


2. The word _hate_ (v.26) is an obvious exaggeration for emphasis. In what sense are we to “hate” our family and even our own life?


3. A person carrying a cross in first-century Palestine was about to be executed. In this light, explain the meaning and implications of verse 27.


4. Imagine yourself building a tower (vv. 28-30). What types of costs would you need to consider before setting out to build? What might keep you from finishing your task?


5. According to verses 31-32, what does the thoughtful king understand about battle?


6. What do these illustrations suggest about following Jesus (v.33)?


7. Some have used verse 33 as a basis for renouncing ownership and for justifying an ascetic lifestyle or even monasticism. What is the difference between giving away everything that we have and “giving up” everything we have?


8. In New Testament times salt was used both as preservative (to keep meat from rotting) and as a seasoning. How does this parallel our role as disciples of Jesus (vv. 34-35)?


9. How are those who do not wholeheartedly fulfil their commitment to follow Jesus like salt without saltiness?


10. Give some examples of how following Jesus could be costly for you. (Consider such areas as relationships, ambitions, finances, academics and so on).


11. What one thing is God calling you to do today? _Pray that God would give you grace to genuinely follow Jesus as Lord._


“`Now or Later“`
Meditate on Matthew 13:44-46. What further motivation does Jesus give us here for serving

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